Sonnentor BIO płatki chili 45 g



BIO Chilli Flakes is a ground mix of chilli peppers that will delight all lovers of spicy cuisine. It is great for preparing Chilli Con Carne, as well as for various sauces, soups, marinades or dressings. In addition, it is part of Indian, Mexican, Vietnamese or Thai cuisine. If you want to experiment a bit, you can also add it to desserts where it will create an interesting taste in combination with fruit or chocolate.

sposoby na brak energii, brand mix, metabolizm przyspieszenie, białko które wybrać, jak pić pyłek kwiatowy, balviten chleb bezglutenowy, leczenie witamina b17, prażenie nasion, da gusto, woda utleniona cena, chałwa turecka przepis, czarna woda
